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On successful request return HTTP 200 with XML of the following format:
On successful request return HTTP 200 with XML of the following format:
<pre><code class="xml">
<code [xml]>
<rsp stat="ok">
<rsp stat="ok">
<cell lac="0" mcc="250" lat="50.5715642160311" lon="25.2897075399231" cellId="29513" nbSamples="57" mnc="99" range="6000">
<cell lac="0" mcc="250" lat="50.5715642160311" lon="25.2897075399231" cellId="29513" nbSamples="57" mnc="99" range="6000">
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Revision as of 00:06, 5 January 2014

This wiki page describes all available API functions.

Adding a single measurement

GET/POST request to



<WebServiceURL> The URL to the web service


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded




Parameter Data type Description
<apikey> string The id of the user submitting the measurement
<cellid> integer Cell tower id
<lat> double Latitude
<lon> double Longitude
<mcc> integer Mobile country code
<mnc> integer Mobile network code
<lac> integer Local area code


On successfull insert return HTTP 200 with the string "cell inserted"

Business logic

The request is handled by @de.enaikoon.gpssuite.web.measure.NewMeasureController@. The parameters are read into a map and then parsed into a de.enaikoon.m2m.gsmcellmanagment.model.CellMeasurement, and persisted by @de.enaikoon.m2m.gsmcellmanagment.dao.mongodb.GsmCellDao@ (see the Spring common-business.xml configuration) which saves data via Mongo driver. The user is deduced from _apikey_ which is a string unique to each user. User id is persisted as a field in the same object. Suspect measurements are saved into a special collection CellMeasurementSuspect.

Uploading measurements from CSV file

POST request to



<WebServiceURL>_ The URL to the web service


Content-Type: multipart/form-data


CSV file of the following format:


Column names recognized: lat, lon, mnc, mcc, lac, cellid, signal level, create_at, updated_at, speed, direction

Supplemented by the parameter key=<apiKey> as form POST field.


Parameter Data type Description
<apikey> string The id of the user submitting the measurement
<cellid> integer Cell tower id
<lat> double Latitude
<lon> double Longitude
<mcc> integer Mobile country code
<mnc> integer Mobile network code
<lac> integer Local area code


On successful insert return HTTP 200.

Business logic

The request is handled by @de.enaikoon.gpssuite.web.measure.NewMeasureController@.

Getting cell position

POST request to



<WebServiceURL> The URL to the web service


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded




Parameter Data type Description
<cellid> integer Cell tower id
<mcc> integer Mobile country code
<mnc> integer Mobile network code
<lac> integer Local area code
<fmt> string (xml (default), txt/text) Response format. If an unknown format is specified, text is returned.


On successful request return HTTP 200 with XML of the following format:

<code class="xml">
<rsp stat="ok">
<cell lac="0" mcc="250" lat="50.5715642160311" cellId="29513" lon="25.2897075399231" nbSamples="57" mnc="99" range="6000"/>

Business logic

The request is handled by @de.enaikoon.gpssuite.web.cell.CellController@.
It uses @de.enaikoon.m2m.gsmcellmanagment.dao.mongodb.GsmCellDao@ to calculate the average cell measurement, and builds an XML string to return to the user.

Getting the raw measures used to compute the position of a cell

GET/POST request to



<WebServiceURL> The URL to the web service


Parameter Data type Description
<cellid> integer Cell tower id
<mcc> integer Mobile country code
<mnc> integer Mobile network code
<lac> integer Local area code


On successful request return HTTP 200 with XML of the following format: <rsp stat="ok"> <cell lac="0" mcc="250" lat="50.5715642160311" lon="25.2897075399231" cellId="29513" nbSamples="57" mnc="99" range="6000"> <measure takenBy="1" lat="57.8240165710449" lon="28.00119972229" takenOn="Wed Apr 02 14:16:32 +0200 2008"/> <measure takenBy="1" lat="57.8240165710449" lon="28.00119972229" takenOn="Wed Apr 02 14:17:01 +0200 2008"/> <measure takenBy="1" lat="57.8240165710449" lon="28.00119972229" takenOn="Wed Apr 02 14:17:10 +0200 2008"/> <measure takenBy="1" lat="57.8240165710449" lon="28.00119972229" takenOn="Wed Apr 02 15:50:02 +0200 2008"/> <measure takenBy="772" lat="57.8240013122559" lon="28.00119972229" takenOn="Wed Jul 22 17:02:40 +0200 2009"/> <measure takenBy="772" lat="57.8240345622559" lon="28.0011345629" takenOn="Wed Jul 22 17:08:45 +0200 2009"/> <measure takenBy="2488" lat="3.42" lon="3.12" takenOn="Fri Feb 05 20:06:14 +0100 2010"/> <measure takenBy="805" lat="38.9687213" lon="-77.3410958" takenOn="Wed May 19 18:44:04 +0200 2010"/> <measure takenBy="805" lat="53.1366825" lon="25.2740863" takenOn="Thu May 20 01:16:42 +0200 2010"/> <measure takenBy="772" lat="41.892409" lon="12.700801" takenOn="Mon May 31 18:34:29 +0200 20/> <measure takenBy="772" lat="23.0" lon="38.0" takenOn="Sun Jan 02 19:47:14 +0100 2011"/> </cell> </rsp>

  • Business logic*

The request is handled by @de.enaikoon.gpssuite.web.measure.CellController@.

h3. 5. Obtaining the list of cells in a specified area

GET request to

  • Parameters*
  • _<WebServiceURL>_

The URL to the web service

  • _<ApiKey>_

API key assigned to the user

  • _<latmin>_

Minimal bounding latitude

  • _<lonmin>_

Minimal bounding longitude

  • _<latmax>_

Maximal bounding latitude

  • _<lonmax>_

Maximal bounding longitude

  • _<limit>_ (optional)

A number defining the size of the returned list. Default is 200. Be careful, putting too big a number can generate an error

  • _<mcc>_ (optional)

If you want to retrict the result to a specific country

  • _<mnc>_ (optional)

If you want to restrict the result to a specific operator

  • _<fmt>_ (optional)

you can specifiy Kml, Xml or TXT as output. Default is Kml. Txt is CSV type of output, with a first line defining the content of the list.

  • Response*

On successful request return HTTP 200 with the following output structures:


<code class="xml">
<rsp stat="ok">
<cell lac="20371" cellId="1236" mcc="208" lat="48.906431085" lon="2.211114095" nbSamples="2" mnc="20"/>
<cell lac="14340" cellId="4674446" mcc="208" lat="48.840991628822" lon="2.21148552373067" nbSamples="6" mnc="1"/>
<cell lac="14340" cellId="4700495" mcc="208" lat="48.8411471061408" lon="2.21169734839367" nbSamples="6" mnc="1"/>
<cell lac="318" cellId="3319" mcc="208" lat="48.8286924362183" lon="2.21202850341797" nbSamples="1" mnc="20"/>
<cell lac="21700" cellId="24149" mcc="208" lat="48.8317127038461" lon="2.23276453461538" nbSamples="26" mnc="10"/>


<code class="xml">
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1">
<name>OpenCellID Cells</name>
<description>List of available cells</description>
<name>Cell:1236 mcc:208 mnc:20 lac:20371</name>
<description>Operator: Bouygues Telecom Nb Samples:2</description>
<name>Cell:4674446 mcc:208 mnc:1 lac:14340</name>
<description>Operator: Orange Nb Samples:6</description>


  • Business logic*

The request is handled by @de.enaikoon.gpssuite.web.measure.CellController@.

h3. 6. Deleting a measure

POST request to

  • Parameters*
  • _<WebServiceURL>_

The URL to the web service

  • _<id>_

ID of the measure to delete

  • Headers*
  • Payload*



  • _<ApiKey>_

API key issued to user

  • Response*

On successful delete return HTTP 200.

  • Business logic*

The request is handled by @de.enaikoon.gpssuite.web.measure.MeasureController@.

h3. 7. Listing a user's measurements

GET request to

  • Parameters*
  • _<WebServiceURL>_

The URL to the web service

  • _<ApiKey>_: hex

API key issued to user

  • Response*

On successful request return HTTP 200 with XML of the following format:

<code class="xml">
<measures total="2">
  <measure lac="11100" mcc="1" lat="37.9872945" signal="" measured_at="" cellId="13245414" lon="23.5773136" id="67981657" mnc="1"/>
  <measure lac="11100" mcc="1" lat="37.9835" signal="" measured_at="" cellId="13245416" lon="24.613223" id="67981658" mnc="1"/>
  • Business logic*

The request is handled by @de.enaikoon.gpssuite.web.measure.MeasureController@.