How to contribute

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Revision as of 22:25, 25 April 2018 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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Cell ID data can be used for various tasks:
  • save power on your smartphone by replacing GPS with Cell ID tracking
  • find the best GSM network provider in your new place of residency
  • find a place to live with low radio emission
  • track assets and friends even when GPS is not available (e.g. in buildings)
  • enjoy faster first time fixes compared to GPS

Become a member of a successful open-source community and have fun!

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Recording Cell ID data on the go with a smartphone app

Various apps are available for different types of smartphones that allow the recording of data for the OpenCellID project.

Here you can find a Smartphone app for your phone.
The following operating systems are supported:
  • Android
  • Windows Mobile

There is a multitude of other sources of Cell ID data:

  • CLF files (version 3) generated by software compatible with the Nobbi software NetMonitor
  • databases of other apps like this one
  • GSM network providers that contribute the position of their GSM base stations to the OpenCellID project
  • GSM base station enthusiasts: some members of have contributed their very valuable data to OpenCellID. Such data is especially valuable because it contains not only measurements but the exact GPS position of the base stations.

The OpenCellID community is highly interested in any donation of reliable GSM base station data. Please contact us if you have Cell ID data you would like to contribute to the OpenCellID database. Please ensure that the license of the contributed data is compatible with the OpenCellID license.


Reach out with a description of your data at hello[@]