Android library

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Android library

Purpose of the library

The OpenCellID library for Android provides all functionality required for uploading cell information from any Android Smartphone to the OpenCellID community servers.

The OpenCellID library is an Android component. It was built to help other developers in order to reduce the time and efforts needed to create the similar functionality in their applications.

It has been designed for an as easy as possible integration into existing Android applications.

Quality assurance

Before publishing version 1.0 of the OpenCellID library ENAiKOON has integrated it into several of its Android apps with more than 50.000 users allowing the OpenCellID team to ensure that the library is stable and does not interfere with the host application. The OpenCellID Android library is provided as an Android library project for easy integration.

Source code

The complete source code of the library is available here.


The documentation for the OpenCellID library integration into existing applications can be found here.

OpenCellID API

It is not required to understand the OpenCellID API details for integrating the OpenCellID library into your Android application because all this is handled by the OpenCellID library.

In case you are curious anyhow, all details regarding the OpenCellID API can be found here.